Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I hate the day after naet

ya see, i can only eat certain very limited things, and have to stay 7-8 feet away from others. last week it was metals. no swimming(chlorine), had to wear gloves so i didn't touch anything metal, nothing cooked in a metal pan or pot. luckily, i passed, even though dad said, about 7:30pm, "what about your glasses?" then he masking taped the metal, which was cool and sticky, not to mention gorgeous.

yesterday it is salts and sodium. so today is, in a way, cause i must avoid until 5:30 tonight. i just saw that one of my meds has sodium laurel stearate, or some such. we will have to see.

i admire ryan's reading of holocaust victims. we really should "never forget", although i think we do, as in darfour, nigeria, etc.

kerry's big day is coming up...don't forget her tomorrow afternoon.

love, mom

Saturday, April 22, 2006

I went swimming in my birthday suit!!

that is to say, the 100% polyester bathing suit that i got for my birthday, but only received a few days ago. talking to the water therapy people, they said that the polyester is the way to go. it is resistant to chlorine, suntan lotion or block, doesn't lose its color or shape. it is royal blue, and i look stunning in it. well as stunning as possible for me at this time.

the wall in the storage room has been painted, and we can now put the shelves back in. that is great news for 2 reasons. one is that i might be able to find where i put things. the other is that i may get my car back in the garage. yea to both.

whoever started the contest on "see how long you can hold off posting", knock it off. you win. i lose, along with carolyn and ryan. you know who you are.

it is a gorgeous spring day today. we have tulips and daffodils, grape hyacinths, regliar hyacinths, bleeding heart all going at once. and it's a lovely temp also..about 70.

Kerry has her case study defense on thursday at noon. since she isn't posting it, i will, so that everyone prays for her.

i love my fam!!

modern conveniences

so, if you could only have one modern convenience, what would it be?? my last post was hoping for replies.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

i like water

water is good, water is cool,
gather it up into a pool.
or drink it betimes with a terrible thirst
'til again satisfied. go eat a wurst.

sorry, it's hard to rhyme thirst. if i had to give up all but one modern convenience, clean water through the tap has to be it. yes, it would be uncomfortable to use an outhouse. walking wouldn't get me far. lights are better than candles. stoves and refrigerators are up their on the list. but can you imagine having to go to the nearest creek everyday to gather enough water to drink, bathe, cook, etc.? And if it's the River Sidon, get your water upstream. ya never know what someone upstream has done to pollute the water you gather, i.e. bathing, washing, peeing, dead bodies, etc.

so, here's to water!! yea!!!!!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


IMHO, middle schoolers are oversexed. now, i know that it is not entirely their fault. TV, movies and other media are constantly bombarding them with sexual messages, making it seem like everyone who is cool is "doing it". and sometimes, parental laxness contributes. But to constantly be on the hunt for someone to make out with, or being anxious to lose their virginity....COME ON!

Now, it only gets worse in high school and college. but those people who are actually trying to be chaste have a very difficult time and are often misled by predatory males/females.

rant over....ryan, do you approve of my expressing my opinion??

Friday, April 07, 2006

Ryan says........

Ryan says that I should blog about schtuff if my life is so boring. meaning, of course, that he totally agrees with my sentiments.

my only thoughts today are that it is incredibly dreary. dark clouds, periodic rain. it makes me want to sleep all day. somehow i must make it to the exercising pool.

have you guys noticed the increased fervor about missionary work at church lately. great, it's my worst area. well, maybe not my worst. i have a few sins to work on as well.

Thursday, April 06, 2006


like i have something to say. every day i look at the blogs, which i love to do, and think, "i should blog". unfortunately, i lead the most boring life in the world. i have meetings, pain, play comp. games, snore, etc. so what's a body to do??

today i restart the no sugar, no refined flour, potato, etc. i despair that i will ever find a reason for the fibro, let alone a cure.

upcoming birthdays!!!! yeah.