Tuesday, April 26, 2005


so, i asked my doctor for some strong medicine that was non-narcotic. she gave me ultram with the warning that it would fell an ox. prescription says 1/2 to 2 tabs. i guess i am stronger than an ox, cause 1 didn't work (1/2, then 1/2 soon after.) Want to try 2 today, but i have to drive somewhere at 4, and just in case Babe is stronger than I, will try the experiment tomorrow.


dieinahugefire said...

careful, mrs. don't take too much. they might give you one of those drunk driving license plates. :)

dieinahugefire said...

what the dilly-o, mrs.? i need my mrs blog fix. i ain't gettin' NUTTIN.

how's the ox medicine working?