Monday, October 17, 2005

I wish....

-that Braden will get the job he wants
-that I would stop hurting
-that my grandchildren had an easier life
-that I had lots of money
-that I could speak 5-6 languages fluently. Currently the list includes Mandarin, Hebrew, Arabic, German, and French...maybe Japanese. Oh, and I would magically be refluent in Spanish
-that Kerry would magically be graduated and find a great part time job that she could continue even when she has kids
-that all my children had strong testimonies
-that all my kids lived close-by
-that I would be a fabulous grandma who is involved in my grandchildren's lives, and that they thought I was cool, unlike their parents:o)
-that David wasn't so stressed, and also was happy
-that I was useful
-that I had tons of energy
-that Kevin was happy
-that Kevin was graduated
-that I wouldn't worry so much
-that RCI had places for our whole family to go, be next to each other, had 3 bedrooms, and was a lot of fun and not humid
-that telemarketers had other employment, and would stop calling me. How many times can you say, "would you please take me off your"
-that i could fly
-and teleport
-that our country wouldn't keep trying to be #1 in the world, and instead took care of its own
-that the 2nd coming would be soon, and our whole family would be in the celestial kingdom
-that 6 hours of sleep was enough
-that I never have another headache
-that everybody was kind
-that I had a maid who would clean my house daily
-oh, don't forget the cook
-and the personal trainer
-and the masseuse
-I wish everyone could be the weight they want...automatically!!
-and that we were all happy with our bodies
-or that nobody would judge us by our bodies
-that candy was healthy
-or that vegetables tasted good..really good
-that prejudice would disappear

I love my


BenesHacha said...

you forgot Russian on your fluency list :-)

Carolyn said...

I wish a lot of those things too. But if I had all of those things granted to me, maybe I'd get bored being so super human and rich. :-)

dan said...

Aren't you on the Do not call list? - it's easy to sign up. I can't think of the last time I got a telemarketing call (I guess they're all busy calling you!!)

Though we do get occasional charitable or survey crap.

Braden said...

but vegetables do taste good!