Sunday, June 19, 2005

father's day

momoramaSo, happy Father's day to all fathers, stepfathers, grandfathers, etc.

I had to talk today. boy, i'll tell you, i'd rather speak any other day than father's or mother's day. Yuck. people said i did well, but they're probably just being nice. i talked about grandpa, grandpa G, dad, and dan. complimetary to all.

We gave dad a kite, 3 pteranodons that hook together. First, they got their tails all wrapped up and around each other. then we took the tails off. they crashed. then he just flew one. the tree ate it. kite-eating trees!!!

we also got him an atlas, but haven't given it to him yet. he's still counting money at church.

Ryan gave him a weed free side yard. a lot of work, but wow, he done good.

ciao, baby


dieinahugefire said...

glad to see postage, baby.

dan said...

so what did you say about me? any libel or slander?

dieinahugefire said...

there was slanderage up the ying yang, baby.

annahannah said...

i talked about seeing you interact with your children. how you guys (i also said major good about carolyn) cope with autism spectrum disorder. carolyn and yoga, how you support her. 1) mommy goes to yoga, 2) amy goes to bed, 3)MOMMY ALWAYS COMES BACK TO AMY. i said how i admired both of you. yada yada yada