Wednesday, April 12, 2006


IMHO, middle schoolers are oversexed. now, i know that it is not entirely their fault. TV, movies and other media are constantly bombarding them with sexual messages, making it seem like everyone who is cool is "doing it". and sometimes, parental laxness contributes. But to constantly be on the hunt for someone to make out with, or being anxious to lose their virginity....COME ON!

Now, it only gets worse in high school and college. but those people who are actually trying to be chaste have a very difficult time and are often misled by predatory males/females.

rant over....ryan, do you approve of my expressing my opinion??


BenesHacha said...

Ryan approves, though he does wonder if this was a random posting or if there was something that set you off about it...context is always good :-).

Carolyn said...

yeah, i too was wondering what started this post, even though i totally agree with you.

annahannah said...

i am unable to disclose the initiating incident.