Saturday, February 28, 2009

long overdue

I just love reading all your blogposts!! Sometimes I even bop out of reader to the actual page to leave a comment. But I keep forgetting that I should be posting also.

I have swum/swam 5 miles in each of the last 3 weeks!! Wow, I impress myself. This week was particularly hard, as I went to the temple wednesday which is one of my swimming days. I was determined I was going to do the 5 miles anyway. Monday, I swam 3 miles. It made me get my 5, but I don't think I should ever do that again. I swam 2 miles yesterday.

I think that I should cut my swimming to 3 miles per week so that I am not so trashed on the day after. I also have other temple trips scheduled. I want to try to do some other form of exercise on the alternate days (richard with the 75 year old silver foxes that I can not keep up with) either a dvd or yoga or something. Now, I am so wasted on T/TH that resting is about it.

I love being able to skype with my peeps.

Speaking of peeps, I have seen easter peeps in the stores already. Didn't we just do mardi gras, or fat tuesday, and ash wednesday??? They must store well. And it made me think of Ryan and the peeps for academic tounaments. Did you burn them, Ryan?? or what did you do with them for luck??

I saw my old friend Vicky Shackelton at the temple on wednesday. That was nice. She told me she keeps up with me on my blog. Hi, Vicky! I had no idea she was reading. But when I came home I wondered, yeah, but how do "I" keep up with "you"??

I finally installed this software and a little bit of hardware on my computer that lets me make DVDs out of my VHS tapes. I did Princess Bride and Richard Simmons "Sweating to the Oldies". Dad and I watched Princess Bride for our date. The picture was so good. But about 1/2 way into it, suddenly the voices didn't match the lips, which was annoying. By the end the lips were a whole sentence behind, not to mention the sound effects. Door slams in sound.....wait....wait....the door closes onscreen. Makes me wonder about Richard (Sichard). Do I move to the screen or to the sound???

I played a little sims2 the last couple of weeks. Of course, the new comp has vista which doesn't like it. I have to start it from the disc in My Computer. I made all my kids with families. I had to make Kennedy and Jenna kids in order to let Ezra and Katie be toddlers. I made my own standard family from the original Sims, Prince and Claire Charming. This is who I play so that none of the others grow up. I can't play too often, I think I played 3 or 4 times max. Otherwise, I get lost in the game and my butt and back hurt and nothing got done at home.

Well, it is almost time for my lights to end so I will close. Just remember I love you even when I don't post. But you guys all HAVE to post :))

Saturday, February 14, 2009

as long as I have meme'd once

Here is my 25 things. Nobody is tagged. I don't do that as well as I don't give names for tupperware hostesses or life insurance sales.

1. My first career choice was acting.

2. When I went to college, I changed majors 4 times.

3. One change was before I even got to college.

4. I want to learn lotsa lotsa languages, including arabic, hebrew, mandarin, french, spanish (better), german.

5. I didn't know that my serial depression was PMS related until after I was divorced. So, maybe 28-29?? It explained so much.

6. I would like to have had more children. Only I want them as adults. now.

7. I want to live near all my children and grandchildren. Okay, so you already knew that one.

8. I hate the texture of mushrooms. It's not the taste, it's the texture.

7. I love my vita-mix. I'd buy one for all my children if I could.

8. My brother Dave and I used to sing show tunes in the dining room while listening to records. I think we were best at Peter Pan and Mary Poppins.

9. Dave was going to come with me when I was going to run away from home when I was about 5. He was 2. He had a soggy diaper that hung down to his knees. My mom said, "see ya".

10. I would have made a darn good excellent midwife. I still have sorrow about not getting to practice.

11. One of my first purchases after my divorce was my king size waterbed. We still use the frame, only now it has a real mattress.

12. Peanut butter and chocolate: a heavenly duo.

13. I loved driving my van, both the VW and the caravan. I'd like to buy a Sienna or Odyssey.

14. Truly, I am a blonde. Why my hair won't cooperate is beyond me.

15. I swam 5 miles this week. 1 mile on Wednesday, and 2 on both friday and monday.

16. Fettucine Alfredo is nectar to the gods. Esp with chicken and/or shrimp.

17. I want to move to somewhere sunnier. But I also would hate leaving friendships of over 20 years.

18. I really love my grandkids. I miss them. I hate not being a bigger part of their lives.

19. I am married forever. I love my husband. He is just right for me. Hope he feels the same.

20. I am so happy to look at Dan now and know he GETS it about LDS. I wasn't so sure growing up.

21. I have a secret (well not very well kept) adopted son in Canada.

22. I quit drama club in my senior year in high school because the advisors insisted on producing "Our Town". I maintained that this was an English teachers' pick and that it was one of the most boring shows known to man.

23. I am great at Texttwist. Textwist II is harder and I don't like it as much. No hints about the big word by the words you already guessed on the side.

24. I was the Monopoly champion of our neighborhood. No one wanted to play with me.

25. I have a baby pillow since I was pregnant with Dan. They have had various incarnations, but I alwasy sleep with one still.

26. To make up for #7. I went to Perus as an exchange student in high school for 9 weeks. We went with another larger group of exchange students to Cuzco/ Machu Picchu. We all got altitude sickness, and convinced our chaperone to stay an extra day to make up for the sick day. While eating at an outdoor place, we saw the plane carrying the entire other group of exchange students crash into the mountains. No survivors.


two good reads:

this and this.

Watching the news at 6 adn 6:30, I recognize all the commercials.

I am actually doing a meme

How long have you been together?
almost 27 years, married for almost 26

How long did you know each other before you started dating?
I met him at tithing settlement (he was the clerk). We started "dating" in March or April

Who asked who out?
He asked me. To see his kites he made at his home. And his parents were GONE.

How old are each of you?
I am old. He is a babe at 55.

Whose siblings do/ did you see the most?
Now it seems like my fam. We do the whole condo thing with his fam every 2 years.

Do you have any children together?
2 together and 2 together in the temple and by love. makes 4.

What about pets?
Die, Die, Die.

Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
when we are both depressed at the same time. or when a decision is needed and he needs to make it but I can't stand to wait and i bite my tongue waiting for him to make it but he doesnt........etc. etc. etc.

Did you go to the same school?

Are you from the same home town?
Kind of. I grew up in Parma and he spent most of his years in RR.

Who is the smartest?
I think I am.

Who is the most sensitive?

Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Macaroni grill, Olive Garden, Danny Boy's.

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
Here to Oregon and back.

Who has the craziest ex’s?
there is only one ex. mine.

Who has the worst temper?

Who hogs the bed?
Me. On the king size bed, he huddles near the edge in mummy pose.

Who is more stubborn?

Who is more jealous?
Neither one of us.

Who does the cooking?
both of us. When I don't, he does. And he does pizza.

Who is more social?

Who is the neat Freak?
he is.

Who wakes up earlier?
What a dumb question. I will give you a hint. It is not me.

Where was your first date?
seeing the kites. or a dinner for the RS birthday.

Who has the bigger family?
same. we are both of 5 children families.

Do you get flowers often?
not since the wholesale flower company in the adjoining building left. He and all his pals would dumpster dive for the flowers the company couldn't sell. They were still nice, and I appreciated the thought.

How do you spend the holidays?
With family. Always low-key. Just hanging out.

How long did it take to get serious?
Depends who you ask. I was committed by summer. He was getting hot/cold feet for a loooooonnnnng time.

Who does the laundry?
me. unless i can't or he is home while i am gallivanting.

Who drives when you are together?
Usually him. Always him if it is dark outside, cause I don't see well in the dark. And he eats lots of oranges.

Is your family still growing?
Only with grandchildren

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I am "sundowning"
like an alzheimer's patient.
Without alzheimer's.

When the sun goes down,
So do I. Into the pit
of despair. I need sleep.

If I could sleep when
I go to bed, things would be
extremely better.

Letting people know
that I am having trouble
has helped some. Thank you.

Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep
Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep
Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep .

Monday, February 09, 2009


I daydream about knives and hammers with long nails, concrete abutments, bridges over deep valleys. I understand cutting. I want to die. how about now?

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Swimsuit Issue and other pornography

Here is a great joke to tell to the men who buy magazines whose covers sport all-but-naked women in a variety of salacious poses. Ready? This came from Prairie Home Companion.

Did you know that Playboy now has a magazine exclusively for married men?
"Really?" Yes! Every single month, it has the exact same centerfold.