Saturday, February 14, 2009

I am actually doing a meme

How long have you been together?
almost 27 years, married for almost 26

How long did you know each other before you started dating?
I met him at tithing settlement (he was the clerk). We started "dating" in March or April

Who asked who out?
He asked me. To see his kites he made at his home. And his parents were GONE.

How old are each of you?
I am old. He is a babe at 55.

Whose siblings do/ did you see the most?
Now it seems like my fam. We do the whole condo thing with his fam every 2 years.

Do you have any children together?
2 together and 2 together in the temple and by love. makes 4.

What about pets?
Die, Die, Die.

Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
when we are both depressed at the same time. or when a decision is needed and he needs to make it but I can't stand to wait and i bite my tongue waiting for him to make it but he doesnt........etc. etc. etc.

Did you go to the same school?

Are you from the same home town?
Kind of. I grew up in Parma and he spent most of his years in RR.

Who is the smartest?
I think I am.

Who is the most sensitive?

Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Macaroni grill, Olive Garden, Danny Boy's.

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
Here to Oregon and back.

Who has the craziest ex’s?
there is only one ex. mine.

Who has the worst temper?

Who hogs the bed?
Me. On the king size bed, he huddles near the edge in mummy pose.

Who is more stubborn?

Who is more jealous?
Neither one of us.

Who does the cooking?
both of us. When I don't, he does. And he does pizza.

Who is more social?

Who is the neat Freak?
he is.

Who wakes up earlier?
What a dumb question. I will give you a hint. It is not me.

Where was your first date?
seeing the kites. or a dinner for the RS birthday.

Who has the bigger family?
same. we are both of 5 children families.

Do you get flowers often?
not since the wholesale flower company in the adjoining building left. He and all his pals would dumpster dive for the flowers the company couldn't sell. They were still nice, and I appreciated the thought.

How do you spend the holidays?
With family. Always low-key. Just hanging out.

How long did it take to get serious?
Depends who you ask. I was committed by summer. He was getting hot/cold feet for a loooooonnnnng time.

Who does the laundry?
me. unless i can't or he is home while i am gallivanting.

Who drives when you are together?
Usually him. Always him if it is dark outside, cause I don't see well in the dark. And he eats lots of oranges.

Is your family still growing?
Only with grandchildren


dan said...

Ha! This was funny

annahannah said...

It was supposed to be he eats a lot of carrots...which are orange. :))

Ihrayeep said...

wait i'm confused. you have two children together, i get that...but temple? 3 married in the temple...or 1...not two? Or you mean that me and Kev were both born in the sealing?

annahannah said...

two together physically--you and Kevin. 2 because Dan and Kerry were sealed to us in the temple, so by temple and by the fact that we love them (and you too). Makes 4. Is that clear??

annahannah said...
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