Friday, February 29, 2008
Happy Leap Day
Thursday, February 28, 2008
I hate the CC
We got their at 3:45. Waited for 15 minutes for "emily", who had
We get down to the appointment check in and the lady says she cannot find kev's name on the list. As she looked harder, she found that the appt was cancelled 2 minutes after it was made. Because he DIDN'T HAVE INSURANCE. Even though all the above. And, gee, she was sorry that no one informed us. And gee, the entire dr. service of family practice AND internal medicine could not fit him in--try tomorrow. Why? so we could waste more time???? but i digresss.
They sent us to see another "financial counselor". i guess that was what emily was, although no one told us that. Turns out, that because he didn't have insurance, he has to call a financial counselor and put down $100 before they will even make an appt. for him. It's not enough that they take the $100 before he sees the doctor. no, before he can even make an appt. so, in sickness, when you have to call to make an appt between 8 and 8:15 when all the same day appts are gone, you can't call until after you call emily. Then you can be told that they don't have any appts left. Grrrrr. I hate the Cleveland Clinic. I hated them before for stuff. But now i hate them again and still. World-class medicine indeed.
Brantley indeed...or is it Brantleigh?
it came from
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
For all children everywhere Now i tried 4 (million) times to put this up as a link, but it wasn't happening. so cut and paste if you care.
A Prayer for Children
by Ina J. Hughes
We pray for children who put chocolate fingers everywhere,
who like to be tickled,
who stomp in puddles and ruin their new pants,
who sneak Popsicles before supper
who erase holes in their math workbooks,
who can never find their shoes.
And we pray for those who stare at photographers from behind barbed wire,
who can't bound down the street in a new pair of sneakers,
who never go to the circus,
who never "counted potatoes,"
who are born in places we wouldn't be caught dead near,
who live in an X-rated world.
We pray for children who bring us sticky kisses and fistfuls of dandelions,
who sleep with the dog and bury the goldfish,
who hug us in a hurry and forget their lunch money,
who cover themselves with Band-Aids and sing off-key,
who squeeze toothpaste all over the sink,
who slurp their soup.
And we pray for those who never get dessert,
who have no safe blanket to drag behind them,
who watch their parents watch them die,
who can't find any bread to steal,
who don't have any rooms to clean,
whose pictures are not on anybody's dresser,
whose monsters are real.
We pray for children who spend their allowances before Tuesday,
who throw tantrums in the grocery store and pick at their food,
who like ghost stories,
who shove dirty clothes under the bed and never rinse the tub,
who get visits from the tooth fairy,
who don't like to be kissed in front of the carpool,
who squirm in church or temple
and scream in the phone,
whose tears we sometimes laugh at,
and whose smiles can make us cry.
And we pray for those whose nightmares come in the daytime,
who will eat anything,
who aren't spoiled by anybody,
who go to bed hungry and cry themselves to sleep,
who live and move, but have no being.
We pray for children who want to be carried
and for those who must.
For those we never give up on, and
for those who don't get a second chance.
For those we smother,
and for those who will grab the hand of anybody kind enough to offer it. . .
More random web browsing
This, from "Hollywood Flakes":
This X-ray shows a boy who swallowed magnetic pieces of a block one at a time. When they hit his stomach, they reconnected.
So you thin that cats have hairball problems?? this from a human
by the way, she stopped eating her hair.
actually, the things people ate came from
This is also from hollywood flakes,
I was reading some threads in a teacher's forum today and found that most teachers of young children deal with pica. A frequently asked question among the teachers was, "How do I make them stop?" I liked one teacher's response for how she dealt with her first graders. She says:
"What's in you mouth!? Now if you accidentally swallow that thing I am going to have to get it out. Do you see how big my hand is? I'm going to have to stick my big hand down your throat. You can be sure that it will hurt. If you don't want my big fat hand down your throat then you better get that thing out of your mouth and keep it out!"
She reports and almost 100% effective rate for her method
Monday, February 25, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Temple trips
I feel like MY project is now a RS project and that bugs me. I feel like just going myself and not telling anyone. If I had a bigger heart, I guess I would be thrilled to get help from the RS prez and thrilled that maybe more people who were cutting out after sacrament might go. But mostly, I feel angry. And going to the temple shouldn't be combined with anger.
Am I just petty?? I feel like if the RS or Enrichment committee wanted to set up something, they should have done it. If it's your project, you handle the details and I'll just decide if I want to come with you.
I can't make the link work, but
Thursday, February 14, 2008
web browsing
Guess who I am not gonna vote for???
Although I think a woman could be president. I just don't want THIS woman.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
for Braden
Monday, February 11, 2008
I only go where the car takes me
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
a little bit of this..a little bit of that
Funny from snide remarks. If you go to and type in "chuck norris" and hit "I'm feeling lucky", you get However if you go to and type in "find chuck norris" and hit "i'm feeling lucky", you get , which is just hysterical.
I swam 20 laps and walked 3 laps yesterday and did my stretching exercises in the warm pool also. Plus went to Walmart, Gordon Food Service, the library, and Marc's Berea for grocery shopping. I rock. Don't applaud, just send money.
Monday, February 04, 2008
New First Presidency
Tribute to President Hinckley,5498,40,00.html?linkTrack=rotator:cvr
also, a cool photo spread in the slc tribune: check out the lapels, man.
They say the new first presidency will be announced today.
Sunday, February 03, 2008
so look
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Authors again
Mother Hubbard
Yes, it was true. Usually I send someone down to the food storage in dad's office, which is where we put the things to make powdered milk or chlorined water taste better. I mean, in this instance, I had a true year's supply. Imagine my horror when I went down to get some and there were none left and NO ONE TOLD ME I WAS GETTING LOW. I had to rejoin BJ's in order to get it, cause all Costco carries are the envelopes. My membership had expired from costco anyway. I wasn't going to join any shopping club until this tragedy happened. But before I handed over my money, I checked to make sure that the product was there. 10 canisters, baby. I'll have to go again to fill up for a year. Imagine, though, this giant canister was only $4.99?? There's a deal.