Thursday, October 09, 2008

politicsand the bailout

I don't usually get too political. But this bailout of wall street makes no sense to me. For an interesting take on this, comparing it to the Titanic, see this.


Anonymous said...

I loved the Titanic analogy, and Ron Paul's quote. Glad our house is paid off. Hope I can keep my job.


Braden said...

I know you have never been a fan of Bush. I was, but with each passing week and month and each outrageous new way he finds to alienate not only the left, but the right also, I grow less and less fond of the man.

I suppose he is being true to his stated purpose of being a uniter. Republicans are now uniting with Democrats in great numbers to despise the policies of W.

Anonymous said...

A comment I heard recently: with this bailout for the big risk takers/investors on wall street, we have privatized profit making/taking and socialized the cost of failure and poor judgement. In that environment, why not take big risks? You either win big or lose nothing.